If you like alliteration, this is the outline for you. Ten — count ’em — ten Ws to form upon your lips and wave your hands over. You can supply a ton of Bible texts for each point. This is a good summary of the whole of the Faith.
- The Will — God willed man’s existence and salvation from eternity.
- The Word — God became man in the person of Jesus Christ.
- The Wound — Jesus was wounded for our transgressions.
- The Well — Life and power spring from the Holy Spirit.
- The Way — The Bible reveals God’s plan, purchased people, and practice of righteousness.
- The Work — Eternal salvation is the objective of every effort by God’s people.
- The War — Conflict with evil powers is at the heart of faithfulness.
- The World — Saints are in, but not of, and sent to, the world.
- The Worship — God seeks people who worship in spirit and truth.
- The Worth — Heaven is worth giving up life, limb, and luxury.
UPDATE: I’ve reordered a couple of these, to reflect a more logical progression. I flipped nos. 3 and 4 and nos. 9 and 10.