8 things that won’t change on November 9

By Bobby Cloyd, Smithville TN

  1. God is still in control, Job 42:2, Isa 55:8-9.
  2. We stll have a duty to respect the office, Rom 13:1-3.
  3. We have a duty to obey God rather than man, Acts 5:9.
  4. We still have a duty to proclaim the gospel, Mat 28:18-20.
  5. We still need to be a proper godly example.
  6. We have the duty to expose wickness and stand for the truth, 2 Tim 3:2.
  7. We still have duty to treat each other like brethren, Jn 13:34-35.
  8. We still have duty to treat our neighbors as ourselves, Mat 7:12.

Pray for our country and then act.

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