You know my weaknesses and strengths

Lord God, you know my weaknesses and my strengths, my struggles and my thoughts. There is nothing you do not know about me and about the whole universe, for you made it all and give life to all things.

Give me humility, help me to be small in my own eyes, break the pride that remains. Let me trust in you and place you in front of my life—my God and my Lord!

Make this month a time of reflection and purpose, a period of mindfulness and opportunity. If it will serve the kingdom, let us reset our faith and firm up our determination by “reinventing” ourselves, as the author of one book suggests. Let that activity be toward the image of Christ, in the power of the Spirit, according to your word and will.

  • Please bring quietness and peace to the country of Honduras, in their presidential elections.
  • Make a solution surface for N. Korea, at the same time opening that country to the gospel. Let our brethren prepare for that moment.
  • Open China further to working there for the gospel’s sake.
  • And give us more workers here in Brazil for the fields.
  • Make our own work effective, bring forth fruit that will spread the word across our region.

Bless our families with faith and vitality and resilience. Make them strong to meet the challenges, loving to serve their neighbors, compassionate in their dealings with everyone.

Give to all your people faith and love and hope. Use me to encourage, to instruct, to motivate toward good works.

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