To know you better every day

Our Father in Heaven, your name is special. Let us all give you proper respect. Let us treat your things with special regard. Keep us from acting in a profane manner.

Help us to think constantly of you and your plan of salvation. Thank you for reaching us with the Good News. We rejoice in our hope of eternal life. Reach others through our teaching. Motivate us to share the message of Christ with others.

We want to know you better every day. We read Scripture in order to understand you and what you like and dislike. Give us understanding. We ask for wisdom. Keep our feet from transgression. Hold back our hands from doing evil. Give us the power of your Spirit to win over temptation.

Lord God, the faith of many is weak. Their zeal wanes and, for some, is doused by the devil. Fire us up. Make us enthusiastic for Christ. But keep our fervor guided by knowledge. Let that knowledge be the firewood that keeps our love burning strong.

Father, the church seems such a fragile thing. So few people, with few physical and material resources. It seems like all our work would fail with but a little gust of wind. But we know that your Spirit enlivens us all. Your power will not be denied its efficacy in the world. The evil one cannot push over your people.

Others seem to have so much to work with. Resources are squandered, funds are spent selfishly, time is wasted. But help us not to look wistfully at what others have. Let us see how you work in and through us. Make us understand that we have all we need to be powerful instruments in your hand. Keep us from resentment and bitterness. May Christ live in us to bring us peace, joy, and righteousness.

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