So Tired, O Lord

So tired, O Lord, I’m tired —
The weight of life is crushing,
My duties always pushing,
I’m feeling uninspired.

So sad, O Lord, I’m sad —
From you are many fleeing,
With truth they’re disagreeing,
In cloaks of ruin clad.

So blind, O Lord, I’m blind —
On earth where are you moving?
How do you weave your roving?
Revive this faithless mind.

One Reply to “So Tired, O Lord”

  1. Heavy stomach, light heart

    Bom dia, amigos! Good morning, friends!
    Stomach feels a bit heavy after a great Brazilian cookout last night, but we’re good to go today on this Lord’s Day. We’ll lunch with friends out of town, in Tremembé, invited so we can encourage some folks who lost their father suddenly. Then on to regular commitments today in Taubaté and SJCampos. I pray your day holds as much opportunity!
    Last night, at the cookout we met several non-Christians whom we may have an opportunity to share the Good News with. It was also good to see some Christian friends we’ve not been with in quite a few months.
    If you feel tired of it all today, say this prayer. Through prayer, God changes things.
    If you asked me right now to cut back my personal writing on the Internet to two things, I’d likely go with the prayers that I do and the doxologies that I write here. Many write devotionals, Bible thoughts, studies, sermons and outlines. Few, so very few among our people, share prayers and praise.
    Today is the Lord’s Day in a special way, since every day, every hour, is his. John called Sunday, the first day, the Lord’s Day in Rev 1.10. Probably, he called it that since it was the day on which the Lord rose and the day when the church meets. It is the day dedicated to the Lord. It is no coincidence that on the Lord’s Day his resurrection and his people are connected. Intertwined.
    And his people are connected the world over. So we were glad to help the DIL Val meet with the church today in Kuala Lumpur (see her photo, above, for their sign).
    This is the only day that could be called special for Christians, in any sense. There are no holy days on the Christian calendar. (I’ve written about this somewhere, but can’t find it just now.) The only date on the Christian calendar is Sunday, the Lord’s Day, when the Lord’s table is set. Simple, no?
    So today let us meet and eat. Let us bless and be blessed. Let us pray and praise, sing and serve, read and rejoice, give and glorify.

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    J. Randal

    Chocolate, swimming, hammocks, in that order.

    Author archive

    May 24, 2015


    journal, Lord’s Day, writing

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