Often, Lord, I ask for your blessings in my life or in the life of another. And you approve of this. Jesus taught us to ask. I know I should do it more even than I do.
But today I come with a different purpose. Paul told the Corinthians that he did not seek theirs (their possessions), but them (meaning their salvation). I come before you today, not in search of something from you, but you yourself, your presence, your glory.
You did not rebuke Moses when he wanted to see your glory. Perhaps it was because he was a special man in your plan of redemption. Your answered his request in a way that took into account human frailty.
I do not ask for a miracle. Neither am I asking to be whisked up to the third heaven. How you might answer this request only you can know. Maybe by giving me a new insight into Scripture, about the Lord Jesus Christ, who brought your glory into this world.
In every way and at all times, O God, may you be glorified in me and may your will be done in my life.