A prayer for all the children, and for our true religion

For the children who have no parents, we pray that we might fulfill their needs.

For children from broken homes, traumatized by divorce, give them assurance that they are innocent and not responsible for their parents’ mistakes.

For children who have lost a parent to death, comfort them and let them know that they can prepare for the end.

For children who suffer abuse, rescue them from harm.

For children who live in poverty, provide them food, clothing, and shelter.

For children who live in the streets or who have run away from home, protect them and give them a place of refuge.

For children who suffer from diseases, cancers, and physical handicaps, turn their hearts toward you to find health in your love.

For children whose parents neglect and fail to discipline, bless them with boundaries.

For children who have been deprived of your knowledge, let them hear that in heaven reigns a good and loving God who cares for all.

For children who grow in wisdom and height, in favor with you and others, we thank you. May they bless many.

And, yes, Father of all, we know that our prayer is for us, that we might show our true religion by caring for these children.

2 Replies to “A prayer for all the children, and for our true religion”

  1. Instead of using empty words to assuage your conscience, try going and helping these children yourselves. Don’t “pray” and decide that it is all you should do. Why ask God to help them when he is the one that he put them in these situations! I don’t mean to say that I am better than anyone, I am not. Most of the time I think only of myself, I don’t volunteer or give money. I however, know this and don’t try to make myself feel better by “leaving it in Gods hands.” If these things do actually make you feel bad and move you in anyway, DO SOMETHING! Foster children or better yet Adopt, stop supporting anti-birth control, and as displeasing as it is, laws against abortion are leading to children suffering. Women who are raped and can’t abort are forced to have their rapists babies. Often they are given to adoption agencies where the spend years in foster care, possibly not ever finding a permanent home. If the mother keeps them they may suffer abuses, being constant reminders of such violence they may be victims of passive-aggressive behaviors or worse, physical abuse. Women in poverty may react similarly seeing them as the constant cause of money loss. I’m not saying this is every case but more pictures of the possibilities. Again, PLEASE do something to help instead of whispering words at the air.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Ghazziq. You are absolutely correct that God’s people must do something to help children, and this prayer asks God’s help that we may be more active in efforts to that end. Since you don’t know me, we’ll assume that your comments are an expression of a general frustration, or even perhaps a confession of your own lack of action. Be assured that we are active and involved in helping children. We are believe that every child is precious, no matter how he is conceived. Every child therefore deserves protection.

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