Be for me my air of breathing


Be, O Lord, my morning blessing,
day’s endurance, evening resting,
Be for me my air of breathing,
Sight for eyes and food for eating.

Do, O Lord, in me your willing,
Every good desire fulfilling,
Act to bring to all your kingdom,
Make a world in Christ by wisdom.

Love, O Lord, your erring creature,
Needing every step a Teacher,
Give your Spirit without measure,
Strength for our lifelong endeavor.

Speak, O Lord, your servant’s bidding;
Words of power brought forth from nothing
Seas and earth and skies of seasons,
Truths for life and heavenly reasons.

Send, O Lord, for us the Witness,
Let him come with shout and swiftness,
Purest blood for soul salvation—
We await the new creation.

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