Permit that we may know your majesty

god-sovereign-rulerYou, O sovereign God, rule over all, over every people and nation, over every man and woman, over all the universe which depends upon your sustenance in every moment in time.

Let us see your greatness, permit that we may know your majesty, though we ask not for any miraculous sign or stupendous wonder. We would know, O Lord, the Name that is beyond our grasp to perceive.

You change our misery into fullness of life. You transform our selfish hearts into the mind of Christ. You whisk us from the powers of darkness to transport us into the kingdom of your Son, where light and peace and joy permeate every fiber.

Strengthen in us the redemption and reconciliation that we have in Christ Jesus. Make your salvation reach into every nation. Help us to cross the street with the gospel, and to cross the oceans with the true grace of Christ.

Make us see your purpose at work through us in this world. Your overarching project brings us meaning. What a marvelous plan is yours that spans from Eden to our very days!

Praise to you, our Father, for your glory and honor and power! Let the body of Christ sing the song of redemption so that multitudes may join and continue into eternity with the praise that belongs only to you. Amen.

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