Things don’t look good

Lord, from the limited vision of my perch, things don’t look good for the near future, in politics, economy, and society. It looks like Christians will have a harder time of it. They might be tempted to draw back from their efforts to proclaim the Good News in all the world.

But you know all things, you see every maneuver and hidden scheme of mankind. And you can change the course of events in the blink of an eye. You can raise up people and bring down those on high. And you listen to our prayers.

Father, we ask on behalf of your saints and your mission in this world. Do what will be the greatest blessing, what will serve best your kingdom. In our shortsightedness, it seems it would be best to bring new, decent people to take countries in crisis forward for good progress. Create space for such as these, raise up men and women who can point the way to a moral stance and to a society that treats all equally.

Above all, let us seek to be just, righteous, compassionate, and loving, especially to those in the family of faith. Help us to know that among your children you have established that perfect society. Thank you that we are already a part of this spiritual nation. Let us be more diligent in our efforts to show others that it is here, in the body of Christ, where you create the community that demonstrates your character and conduct.

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