A prayer for the eternal plan: Make sluggish feet nimble to move forward


Like the saints who shook the world of old, give us courage, O God, to face the lies of Satan and speak the truth of Christ, for only the gospel can save.

Free us from our worries that we might know the power of Scripture.

Make our hearts pliant to the Spirit’s plea, that the message of redemption might fill us and bring us wholeness, forgiveness, and purpose.

Place within our minds the plan of eternal ages to save a lost mankind, to publish the royal proclamation of freedom for all.

Let us see in the dissolution of this world, in the rise and fall of nations, in the collapse of morals and manners, the need to place your word in the plazas and streets, on the airways and byways, in homes and places of work.

Open doors, Eternal God, to give us opportunity to go, as did our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, from town to town, from city to city, with the good news of the kingdom of peace.

Make our sluggish feet nimble to move forward.

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