A monument to honor his death on the cross


Heavenly Father, men like Saul and Absalom sent up monuments to themselves, and we rightly regard them as self-centered. Our Lord Jesus Christ set up the breaking of bread as a monument to honor his death on the cross, and we give you glory for his selfless sacrifice.

We remember, O God, the precious price paid for us whenever we eat the bread and drink the cup.

We give thanks that this supper centers our eyes upon Christ and establishes our communion together.

As we gather around the table, we recall that his purpose — the forgiveness of sins — is also ours.

Help us to erect our own monument, the good works for which we were created, that your Spirit might be seen in us before all the earth. By them may you, and not we, be glorified, both in the church and in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

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