Make Me, O Lord, to Know

Knowledge and wisdom are yours, omniscient God,
Our tongues confess that you know what you’re doing,
We are but stumblers in the present world,
And for the world to come, but ignorant brutes.
Never has anyone pierced the veil of death
To tell upon return what lies beyond,
No soul has journeyed there and back again,
None can teach on how win over death.
But Jesus can! Our Lord and Savior lives,
Was raised from the tomb to reign forever more,
Reveals the way, will take the saints to heaven,
He freely shares the knowledge of truth with all.
With all who will hear! With all the faithful seekers!
And such I’d be! — Make me, O Lord, to know
The gospel of Christ, the precious saving news —
This wisdom from above that sweeps beyond!
What wisdom for salvation by faith in Christ!

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