We look for Jesus to return today

Heavenly Father, we look for Jesus to return today, not because today is THE day, but because he could come at any time. We prepare ourselves for him. We desire his coming. We pray you may send him soon. Our salvation will arrive with him.

While we wait, we work. We warn others that they must prepare, also. We offer the message to all who need to hear it. Make our proclamation effective and urgent. Make us feel its urgency and power.

We thank you for this hope. Our lives would have no meaning otherwise. The eternal service makes our work here worthwhile. The heavenly promise makes life here joyful. Where time and tears are no more, where the sea and suffering are banished, there is our desire focused when here our work is finished.

You are to be praised for your eternal purpose in Christ, for your guiding and empowering Spirit, for your saving and faith-building word, for your confirming and edifying church.

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