Grateful to be called

What a blessing to be in your presence, heavenly Father! What security and peace we feel to walk before you.

Even to the unjust you show yourself benevolent. How much more do you care for and show concern for your righteous people!

Many people are concerned with freedom and privacy today. And even though they are legitimate concerns in the nations, we are grateful to be free in the way that really matters.

Many today run after possessions. We give thanks that we have what can never be taken away from us.

Many today seek pleasures. We are thankful for the profound joy of following Christ and having our separating sins removed.

Many today seek a better place to live, even moving to other countries in search of improved conditions. We praise you that we have been transferred from dark and evil powers into the kingdom of the Son whom you love.

Many want to change jobs. We are profoundly grateful to be called to the greatest work of all, that of explaining to those who are far away what you have done in Christ to reconcile us to yourself.

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