The God of all plans

You had it all planned, O Lord, the how, the why, the when, the who, the where. Down to the last detail. Your purpose would not be frustrated. Your beloved project would find success. Your word was fulfilled.

How little time we spend in the planning, Father! How much we leave to chance, thinking that you will pick up the pieces! Let our plans be ordered as precisely as you ordered the earth and the heavens, as you organized your people in communities with purpose, gifts, mission, servants, and meetings.

And then let us remember that you are Lord of plans and execution, not us. Remind us that all our plans are in your hands. Father, we ask your blessing before we begin even to think of planning. We ask your wisdom in the process of planning. We place before you our plans after they are made.

And let us not be weary in well-doing, in pursuing our plans, in the doing as much as in the planning.

Also, let us be willing, Father, to reevaluate our plans, something that was never necessary for you.

Plans are important to you, Lord, because you are a God of planning, and because we want to please you, and because you work through plans and efforts for good.

In the end, however, most important of all to us is our glorious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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