God of Heaven

God of heaven, when I feel down,
Remind me you, above, still reign,
I need no miracle, need no sign,
Only a thought of you again.

God of earth, when feet are tired,
When the aching back makes my eyes blurred,
When facing death, the heart is scared,
I’m heartened by what Jesus dared.

God of seas, when life is shallow,
When words are noise, and views are narrow,
Deep calls to deep, today the morrow,
And judgment knows the foolish pharaoh.

God of stars that wink from heaven,
In my small world, to me they beckon,
They bid me rise to your safe haven,
Another realm in me awaken.

God of hills and hidden vales,
Be present in my strengths and ills,
In life’s fast lanes and quiet lulls,
Lead me all times to purest wells.

God of crosses, willing death,
Who goes before in fiery truth,
Give me your spirit’s living breath,
And power to tread this chosen path.

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