Eyes and ears

Lord, how much we’re affected by negative thoughts and worldly conversations around us! How badly we turn to bitterness, anxiety, resentment, worry, and selfishness! Renew our minds daily. Put the word in front of us. Remind us that we have every reason to rejoice.

Thank you for the gift of forgiveness in Jesus Christ, meaning that we can enjoy your presence and blessing. Thank you for the gift of the spiritual family, who befriends us in Christ and prompts us to grow. Thank you for your gift of the Spirit, who dwells in us and produces that spiritual fruit which remains forever.

Help us to use our eyes and ears for spiritual gain. Help us to learn wisdom. Help us to see our neighbor’s need and hear the emptiness of his heart. Help us to speak that word of encouragement, that message of salvation, that he has yet to obey.

While the world rants about politics, corruption, and injustice, let us give example of righteousness, self-control, and honesty. Thank you for the possibility of doing this through your strength and character.

2 Replies to “Eyes and ears”

  1. Amen! I have stopped watching television since July, including news. Too negative and depressing. Help us God to be encouragers to the world around us.

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