Keep my efforts for the kingdom from flagging

Was Jesus really the one? Is there really a life after death? Is heaven real? Does it matter in this life what I do?

O God, I sweep every doubt under feet of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will show me the truth.

Give me the strangeness of John the Immerser for the sake of the Kingdom. Thank you for the gift of greatness in the kingdom as one of your little ones.

Keep my efforts for the kingdom from flagging. Remind me that our present struggle is a fight to the death. The kingdom is here, the end is near, and the stakes are as high as heaven.

While the world finds fault with everything and everyone, let me show your wisdom by the works of Christ.

Let us avoid the condemnation of the cities in Jesus’ time who refused to repent and find the rest he promises by going to him and taking upon us his yoke, by accepting his leadership, by assuming his work.

Bless us this day, that we might be to others a blessing, in the shadow of Christ. Amen.

This prayer is based upon some language and ideas in Matthew 11.

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