Bless our children

Bless our children, heavenly Father, with an overpowering desire to love and serve you. We wish so many good things for them, but above all we desire that they be faithful and obedient, devoted in their hearts to be like the Lord Jesus Christ and serving in the spirit of humility.

Let their faith be genuine, their love be constant, their commitment true to the Word.

Help them to see how their decisions affect their growth in Christ.

Inspire them to study deeply in Scripture, to be fervent in prayer, to be regular in the assemblies of the church.

Give them a desire to be good examples to their mates, to their siblings and family, to their friends.

Make them aware of opportunities to teach the gospel, and help them see how doing this will be the greatest good that they can do for others.

Thank you for our children, Father. May we be good parents for them. Amen.

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