
God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

Give me deep acceptance of where I am at this stage in my life and of my struggles, trials, and challenges.

Thank you for them all.

Help me to see beyond self, to give up the importance placed on my own thoughts and plans, and to deny self for the experience of the cross.

Thank you for calling me out of self.

Save me from the temptations of Satan, from the pull of the world, from the desires of the flesh.

Thank you for power and will to resist.

Use me to put forward the Good News of our Savior, to make a clear case for faith, to urge others to action according to your revelation.

Thank you the calling of service.

2 Replies to “Acceptance”

  1. Amen!! How can you translate in words of prayer the exact moment I live in and my most inner heart? I thank our Lord so much for His church, His people struggling and moving together! Thanks Randal!

    1. Thanks, Valeria, I just try to capture what’s in my own heart many times, or see what others close to me are going through and how they might feel about it. May the Lord bless us all!

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