Hear, O God, my night’s confessions

For those sins that I recall,
That today I have committed,
Please, O Lord, forgive them all,
In the Blood to be acquitted.

Not for these alone I plead,
But for those unknown transgressions,
Cover all my ignorant need,
Hear, O God, my night’s confessions.

If you give another day,
May I live the Master’s orders,
By the Spirit’s holy sway,
Joyful in his ample borders.


When we grow faint and frail

When we grow faint and frail,
Let not our tempers flare,
Let not our tongue come untied,
Let trials not cause despair.

Keep the cord from fraying,
Keep our feet from straying,
Keep our wills from swaying,
Be our certain strength and guide.

The flesh is weak and weary,
Our eyes are tired and teary,
The path is dry and dreary,
Let your power in us prevail.


For those destroyed by other’s sins

Loving Lord, we pray for those whose humanity is destroyed by the sins of others:

  • for children and spouses and family of addicts,
  • for people maimed and killed by drunk or careless drivers,
  • for those imprisoned in the sex trade and prostitution,
  • for innocent victims of war and soldiers suffering trauma,
  • for citizens oppressed by their governments.

Lord, in your mercy hear our prayer, may your restoring gospel reach them, to give them life and hope. Put us in the way of such as these, that we might serve them. In Christ’s name, Amen.

As we read Scripture

O God, you have promised that your word will not return to you void. As we read Scripture tonight, may your Spirit give it its full effect, by convincing us of sin, opening the heart to Christ, and making the scales of ignorance fall away. For we would know you as you are. Amen.

To Whom Shall We Go, and Where?

To whom shall we go, and where?
You have the words of life,
Our portion and our share;
Your flesh and blood, our fare.


Though all turn back and leave,
We stay to follow and serve;
It’s not that we’re naive,
But truly we believe.



Lord, we believe

Lord, we believe that you created the heavens and the earth and that you infuse both with your presence, working in every place to fulfill your will.

Nowhere can man go in the universe away from your presence. This is to us a great comfort and reassurance.

We place our lives in your hands, our future in your care, our faith in your promise.

We trust in you. Our faith is in the faithfulness of Christ. Take us to the end. Amen.

The Lot of Us Is Afraid

God of all gods, for whom all men were made,
In our heart of hearts, the lot of us is afraid
When far we wander, and hard is our carnal hearing,
Calling for rocks to hide us on Christ’s appearing,
When all the while we loathed to call your name.
To make us thus for you, it’s you we blame!

A prayer for the world

Almighty God, we praise you for your creation and all you richly provide. Enable us to live in such a way that your majesty and mercy are seen by all.

All governments rule under your authority. May they work for the good of their citizens, seeking your justice and peace in every law and action, allowing people to exercise social and religious freedom, and inhibiting the actions of those who would cause harm.

Enable those who are engaged in industry and commerce, the media and education, sport and the arts, to fulfill their responsibilities with integrity and an attitude of service.

Comfort and strengthen those who are gripped by poverty, weakened by illness, or oppressed by cruelty. May they know your love and experience your care.

Empower your church here on earth to proclaim the gospel of your truth and love, by the death and resurrection of your Son. May all people hear the call to trust and obey you for salvation.

Instill in your people your compassion toward all those in need. May the poor and the lost of this world find in you their true wealth and sure identity.

Refresh and equip us, O God, to be your faithful and obedient people, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Adapted from “Prayers of Intercession

To Harness Your Power

Lord, my prayer word for today is “harness,” which means “to get control of something in order to use it for a particular purpose.”

Give me presence of mind and wisdom to harness your power, by your Holy Spirit, that my Lord Jesus Christ may be evident in me and may be proclaimed to many.

You have put in my possession your presence, your blessing, and your power. Make these effective in me, to do your will, to express your holiness, to speak the word of salvation.

Bridle my mouth, urge me forward, control my every movement, that I might enjoy true freedom and be released for genuine fellowship with you and loving community with your people.

All this, God of mercy and grace, that your glory might be evident among men. Amen.