Let All Be Silent

Sovereign God who rules —

Let all be silent before your glory,
In light and thunder, cloud and fire,
The mountain trembles, heavens quake,
Contrary forces feel your ire.

The evil of man against his neighbor
Knows no bounds, rejects your will;
He acts by feeling, spurns the Savior,
Lives for immediate, earthly thrill.

Look upon us, Lord Almighty,
Humbled here before your throne;
Forgive our sin, and show us wisely
We cannot survive alone.

Show me your glory

Father, thank you for the pleasant and edifying time with the saints. It is a joy to be with your family of faith. You are to be praised for your wisdom in making us your people with one mind and heart.

  • Give us a harmonious spirit, help us to be sympathetic to one another, to show affection and compassion to each other, and to be humble in every way.
  • Let the evil of others keep us from responding in kind. Help us to bless others, regardless of their actions toward us.
  • Help us to do right and to see our blessing of doing so even under duress and suffering.
  • Prepare us to answer those who ask about the hope we possess.
  • Keep us from having any reason for shame.
  • Thank you that Christ suffered to bring us to you and that we were given the grace of baptism for our salvation.
  • Thank you for his resurrection which is our guarantee of being raised to heaven.

Show me your glory, O God, that I might never lose sight of my goal.

Based on 1 Peter 3. If this prayer blessed you, please share it with someone else.

The gospel in my country

God over all nations —

Make the gospel spread in my country. Send workers into the vineyard here. And from here may many go out to other places and reach other peoples.

Increase our sense of urgency. Help us see the wide chasm between salvation and perdition. Remind us of the final destiny of the faithful and the disobedient.

Give us courage to speak and teach the word of Christ. Open our mouths so that not an opportunity is missed. Endow us with your wisdom so that we can know how to reach others.

We trust in you, O Lord, for the harvest.


Kingdom in second place

Lord God, we have sinned. We plead forgiveness.

We confess that we have squandered our time, our energies, our resources on fleeting things. We acknowledge that your kingdom has been put in second place. We realize that we have failed to obey the Lord Jesus by proclaiming his salvation with every creature in this world.

We admit that we know Disney better than Daniel. We have sought out hilarity more than holiness. Seriousness and dedication are lacking. We’d rather shop the aisles of our favorite store than share the gospel with our neighbor.

Forgive us, Lord, and turn us from our sins.


The blessing of the family of faith

Father of us all —

Praise to you for your wisdom and for the salvation you have brought to us in Jesus the Lord.

We thank you for showing us the way and for the revelation that has come to us by your Holy Spirit.

What a blessing to be a part of the family of faith! Help us to exercise all restraint, patience, and tolerance toward our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Teach us how to forgive others, from the forgiveness we receive daily through the Cross of Christ.

Thank you for blessing our lives through the gifts that are exercised in the body of Christ. Bless us that we might be a blessing to others.

Make our time together this day to be edifying. May our love be strengthened for each other, genuine, sincere, and dedicated. Jog our memory around the Table, that we might humbly receive your presence and rejoice in your goodness.

By the power of Jesus’ life, Amen.

Not only generalities

Colossians 4.2

Father, as we devote ourselves to prayer, let us not say only generalities, but share the specific needs of our heart and detailed requests for others.

Keep our faith from vagueness. Nail our love firmly to the ground of reality.

Just as the Lord Jesus came from heaven to live and move among us, plant us in the soil of human suffering and struggle to deal with the effects of sin.

As your agents of reconciliation, make our offer of salvation to be compelling and urgent.

May your redemption fill us and turn our mourning into joy.

We praise you for the blood of the cross and thank you for reaching us with the gospel.

Because of Immanuel, Amen.

Blessing and to bless

Father, give us focus today and help us devote attention and energies to what is important and to the opportunities at hand.

In our time with the saints today, may it be a blessing to us and to all who are present in our assemblies.

Thank you for the greatest blessing of all, eternal salvation in Christ. May that be the blessing we seek most to share with others.

Make love our deepest and truest motivation. Keep us solidly within the truth. Give us words that are true, clear, plain, and compelling.

We want to please you. Show us how. Help us hear the Word. Provide for our needs, and may we rejoice in your glorious presence and inherent goodness.

To Christ we go for forgiveness

Heavenly Father above, who is in all, and through all, and for all —

In Christ’s name we pray with thanks and praise. Keep us awake, to win over the weakness of the flesh.

To Christ we go for forgiveness. His blood cleanses us from the guilt of sin. Let us stay near his cross at every hour.

In Christ are all spiritual blessings. Bless us that we might be a blessing to others.

With Christ we walk. Give us your strength and wisdom to follow him faithfully and reach the goal of faith, the salvation of our souls.

For Christ we speak. Make all other topics pale, and may all subjects be made to lead to him.

For Christ we wait. We pray “Maranatha, Come, Lord Jesus.” Send our Master to receive us in the heavens.


Trees without wind

As trees are still without wind, we, O Father, cannot move without your Spirit. Enliven us today to live and move and speak because you are present in us, around us, and through us.

We seek you and desire you. We know that you are the reason for our existence. Live among us and within us, in truth and love. Forgive us, O Lord, that we might be your holy people.

Many distant sounds, such as the hum of an airplane high above us, barely register in our hearing. But your Word is near to us. We want to hear it clearly. We worship you and your revelation of yourself and of your plan for us. Praise for your Son in whom is seen your glory and grace!


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Worthy, Worthy!

God of rock and water and tree,
Lord of heaven and earth and me,
Praise is yours, and all acclaim,
Worthy, worthy is your Name!