Catching chickens and stealing bases

If you are a baseball fan the name Ricky Henderson is synonymous with “base stealing.” Henderson was so good at stealing bases that he reportedly would tell catchers, “If you don’t give me a pitch to hit, I’m going to end up on third base.” Translation: “If you walk me, I’ll steal second and third base.” In Henderson’s 25-year baseball career, he set major league records in unintentional walks, stolen bases, and runs scored.

Henderson was fast—real fast. But what is interesting is how he got so fast. Henderson tells how he lived in Arkansas as a little boy with his grandmother on a farm. He says that in those days “we had to catch a chicken to be able to eat a chicken.” Obviously, Henderson’s speed was partially God-given, but it also was improved through difficulty and hard work. The moral is, when life seems common-place, complex or confusing, God’s providence might just be training you for an opportunity to do something great later.

—Jason Moon, Waterview congregatrion, Richardson TX

Know her like a book?

Years ago I saw a TV interviewer talking to a couple who had just celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary.  He visited the delightful couple, more than 90 years old, in their nice home. As he sat with them on their little patio, he said to the man, “Well, I guess when you’ve lived with someone as long as you have, you know her like a book.”  The little man sat in thoughtful silence for a beat or two, then slowly said, “Well, you would think that, wouldn’t you? But every time I think I know all there is to know about her, she writes a new chapter!”

—Linetta McDonald, North Little Rock AR

Mind, emotions, living

“I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path” Psalm 119.104 NIV.

Love for and obedience to God’s word is the way to

  1.  A sound mind (understanding, grasping and discerning the truth),
  2. Reliable emotions (hate),
  3. Right living (path).

Points by J.A. Motyer, “Psalms” NBC21, p. 569.

A miracle for mother

By John Henson, Dibrell congregation, McMinnville TN

Luke 4:38-40

  1. Jesus serves others. (Luke 4:38)
  2. Jesus cared for others. (Luke 4:38-39)
  3. Jesus never rested.  (Luke 4:40. While the sun was setting, he kept on helping)
  4. Jesus must be our example. (1 Peter 2:21)

Illustration: Three stooges and three stewards

Over on The Fellowship Room, Eugene Adkins shares this good illustration from the mouth of a child:

A few days ago I decided to sit down with my four-year-old daughter and show her some Three Stooges videos. She’s a fan now. The first thing out of her mouth was, “Why isn’t there any color?” The last thing was, “I want to watch the 3 Stewards again.” I can think of a Bible lesson about 3 stewards where one acted like a stooge. Can you? Here’s a hint (Matthew 25:14-30).

Lessons behind Ezra’s decision

Ezra 7.10

  1. You cannot teach what you do not know and live. It must start with me. God can powerfully use one who is decided and committed. He looks for dedicated people for critical times. (All times are critical!)
  2. Lasting change comes from the word of God. The power to transform is in the Sacred Letters. After the exile, they turned to the written word. After Jesus, we turn to the New Testament.
  3. The Lord blesses those who commit themselves to his word, v. 9. (NLT on v. 10: “This was because …”) God makes it all happen. He opens the doors.
  4. Ezra’s studies and activities “reveal his commitment to purity of worship” (P.R. House, OTT) and to purity of the nation as God’s people (chap. 9). May our agenda include such purity!


Christ’s suffering calls for the Christian to serve

By Ron Thomas, Highway congregation, Sullivan IL

1 Peter 4:1-11

  1. The COMMANDER of our Army (4:1)
  2. The CONVICTION with which He lived and we are to Live (4:1-2)
  3. The CORRUPTION of this World (4:2-3)
  4. The CULTURAL CONFORMITY demands Separation (4:4-5)
  5. Those who COUNTED the COST (4:6)
  6. Those who are COMMITTED to Serve (4:7-11)

Spiritual unity in 3-D

Ephesians 4.1-13


  1. A friend once said that in order to have unity we may have to fight a lot. By that he meant we must work hard for it.
  2. Unity comes from the cross of Christ, Eph 2.11-22.
  3. Christ blessed the peacemakers, because he was the first and greatest of them, Mt 5.9.
  4. Some movies offer a 3-D experience. Unity in Christ also comes in 3-D:

Continue reading “Spiritual unity in 3-D”

Outline: A sanctified heart

By Ron Thomas, Highway congregation, Sullivan IL

1 Pet 3.8-22

  1. A Tender Response to Brethren (3.8-9)
  2. A Determined Response to Life (3.10-12)
  3. A Committed Response to Suffering  (3.13-14)
  4. A Prepared Response to Inquiry  (3.15-17)
  5. The Purposeful Response of Christ to Sin (3.18-22)