Israel and Judah’s Fall

  1. They Turned Away in Apostasy: Jeremiah 8:4-5
  2. They Turned Away from God’s Word: Jeremiah 8:9
  3. They Turned to Greed and Gain: Jeremiah 8:10
  4. They Turned to Deceit: Jeremiah 8:10-12

—John Henson, Dibrell Church of Christ, McMinnville, TN

Set us to rights

Father who was and is and always will be, help us live as children of the resurrection, finding Jesus’ glorious life more and more abundant, so that the fullness of this life may repel the intrusion of self and sin and overcome evil with good.

Help us join the praise of the universe to your power, glory, and goodness.

Set us to rights in our relationships, in our attitudes and thoughts, in our habits of work, free time, and personal piety.

Show us the opportunities to remember the poor, to lift up the needy, to defend the helpless. Continue reading “Set us to rights”