When Men Believe

The world’s in flux, and populations move,
People are up in arms, the nations rant,
With wealth comes discontent, diminished love —
The earth is full of God, but still men want.

The skies grow dark, the snowy mountains heave,
The planets hang suspended, stars wink out,
The sun conceals its face, and men believe
When Christ appears — before him flees all doubt.

We see, O God, of all these things the end,
Travail and pain, the anguished groanings stop,
All silence reigns, murmurings and moans suspend —
Preserve us, Lord, as we to eternity step.

Christ’s suffering calls for the Christian to serve

By Ron Thomas, Highway congregation, Sullivan IL

1 Peter 4:1-11

  1. The COMMANDER of our Army (4:1)
  2. The CONVICTION with which He lived and we are to Live (4:1-2)
  3. The CORRUPTION of this World (4:2-3)
  4. The CULTURAL CONFORMITY demands Separation (4:4-5)
  5. Those who COUNTED the COST (4:6)
  6. Those who are COMMITTED to Serve (4:7-11)

Spiritual unity in 3-D

Ephesians 4.1-13


  1. A friend once said that in order to have unity we may have to fight a lot. By that he meant we must work hard for it.
  2. Unity comes from the cross of Christ, Eph 2.11-22.
  3. Christ blessed the peacemakers, because he was the first and greatest of them, Mt 5.9.
  4. Some movies offer a 3-D experience. Unity in Christ also comes in 3-D:

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