Fill me and show me

God Almighty, fill me with your Spirit that courage might possess me for proclaiming repentance and forgiveness of sins.

Show me clearly what is right, make me distinguish between good and evil.

Let me not be afraid to speak your truth so that others may be given opportunity to change.

Make love my motive, create in me the desire, above all others, to please you.

Pray before preaching

Texas preacher Jeff Jenkins encourages preachers to pray before they get up to speak. He provides a good list of things to pray about. His advice is good, developing in a wonderful way this thought:


For the passage of time and the hope of eternal salvation

We give you thanks, heavenly Father, for the passage of time, that allows us to perceive progress and growth in our walk with you — or lack of it, which signals our need of repentance and of a pure and whole effort.

We give you thanks, also, Father, for the hope of eternal salvation at the end of our time on earth and for the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who as the first-born from the dead, gives us assurance of our future.