Prayer: A greater awareness of people


Dear LORD God, thank you for the amazing gift of life on this new day that glistens with fresh sounds of song birds, gentle winds and marvelous light from the sun. All these remind us of your tender loving care for all creation.

Give us a greater awareness of people who are lost without hope of eternal life. Help us to show them the way to receive the precious promises of this new covenant through obedience to the teachings of Christ the Lord.

We pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

David Binkley, Sr., Cedar Key, FL

We will not go back


Keep all idolatry far from us, true and living God, that we may serve you alone.

Let us not bow to pressure from anyone to compromise our faith in you.

Let us bear the consequences of our commitment with joy for suffering for the Name.

Be glorified in us.

Whether you save us now or at the end, let us refuse to worship any other god.

For we belong to you, and we will not go back.

For us, make your grace sufficient

grace-missionPraise to you, O Lord, for your wisdom and for your eternal plan, to bring to earth your Son and offer him for our salvation, and also to include in your great mission of redemption those very creatures it is designed to rescue!

Frail and prone to failures, man is called to mission, to participate with you in the salvation of those still lost and far from you, so that your power is shown in their weakness.

For us, then, our God and Savior, make your grace sufficient.