Not a byword, but life

Mercy from God

Not a byword, but life, O Lord, is your mercy toward us. Save us from destruction. Let your angel of death pass over us, for we show the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Your judgment is just, so we plead the justice of Christ. To him help us to be faithful so that we may be confident on the final day.

Good day or bad


Our Father in Heaven, we measure days as good or bad, but we confess that, at the moment, we have no idea whether they contribute or not to our spiritual growth or to the progress of the gospel.

Let us call every day, therefore, a good day, a day in which you can and do work, a day in which we may be transported closer to our goal of greater knowledge of you and greater deeds in Christ.

Harvest of souls

Heavenly Father, like Simon who put his boat at Jesus’ disposal to teach those upon the shore, I put both me and mine in your hands, for the use of the kingdom.

And like the miraculous net of fish which our Lord gave in return for that surrender, bring to your people today a harvest of souls.

Thoughts for prayer strugglers

Chuck Webster shares some ideas for those (of us) who struggle with prayer. Worth one’s while. Among other things, he says,

Pray a really short prayer, or a really long one—it doesn’t matter. Some of your prayers will last about fifteen seconds as you walk the sidewalk to your front door in the evening. Others might last as long it takes you to fall asleep, or as long as the drive is to work or the grocery store. And then you’ll have some that are like the ones Jesus prayed when he went off into the wilderness—a time of uninterrupted, focused communion with the Lord. But whatever you do, don’t worry about the length. Pray from your heart . . . God hears the ten-second prayer just like he hears the thirty-minute one.