A morning prayer

Breathes still upon my neck the chill of night,
Your gift of day arrives, the stars in flight;
I do not know what this new day may hold,
My only prayer: let not my soul grow cold.

But more I ask, that I might light the fire
Of God within another, to heaven aspire,
As morning rays ignite the highest trees,
Your glory rises fast and darkness flees.

The Devil Takes His Spoil

by J. Randal Matheny, http://randal.us

Our days are filled with toil,
The devil takes his spoil,
Our souls in heavy chains,
From sin's condemning stains.
We're robbed of silent peace,
O Lord, give us release!

To see another come to faith

To see another person come to faith and embrace the fullness of your grace, O Lord, heightens our own sense of gratitude for your goodness in our lives and reminds us of the wonderful privilege you have given us in the proclamation of the gospel.

Thank you for this communion in your most sacred project of salvation!

As the Winds Whip Up

As the winds whip up and the waves throw froth,
As the time grows short, and the tasks pile up,
As people grow impatient and loud,
And troubles abound, with trials awash,
Let me look with love to my powerful Lord.

—by J. Randal Matheny

Before we start

Before we start, O Lord, we turn to you.

For the day we ask your blessing.

At the table we give our thanks.

On the journey we place our safety in your hands.

Before opening the Word, we ask for tender hearts to welcome the gospel.

Our day, our meal, our trip, our study begins with you, so that your presence and blessing rest upon us and your will may guide and your glory may shine through us.

For Christ is our light. Amen.

Put us in the way

God who moves both mountains and men, just as you caused Phillip to meet the Ethiopian, put us in the way of those who search for truth, that we might serve them as guides into your fulgent light. Secure us in our own walk, that we might be faithful to your true grace and to the sacred task we have received from you as envoys of reconciliation. In the Spirit of our Lord, Amen.