Your name is You and all You are


Your name is You and all You are, O God,
So let it be often on my lips,
Stamped upon my heart,
And holy in our midst.

Let men praise your great deeds,
Let women sing your mighty acts,
Let children break out in chants to You,
Let mountains and valleys tremble before You.

Sing, O earth, to the God of creation!
Lift your voices, Sun and Stars,
To Him who spoke that you might be,
To Him whose hand sustains us all.

The lion’s roar upon the plain,
The bleating of the sheep in their pen,
The trumpeting of the elephant’s call,
All testify to Your wisdom and might.

Your name is great, and none can approach you,
God of heaven above and earth below,
But veiled in holiness, surrounded by angels,
Your Son ushers us in before Your throne.

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