Sacrifices to assemble

Heavenly Father, you seek those who seek you. You reward those who pursue your peace. You bless those who open their lives to your hand. I want to be one of those.

Yesterday, in the meetings of the congregations, people were present who had made sacrifices to assemble. Bless them for their efforts.

There were people not present yesterday who could have assembled and should have done so. Give them opportunity to repent.

Show us each day what it means to seek your Kingdom. Your church is that Kingdom on earth at the present time. May we give ourselves to our brethren, as Jesus gave his life for them.

Keep us from being deceived by the evil one. He would have us diminish the importance of the family of faith. We are a needy people. We have a great distance yet to travel. Many are weak. But we are yours. You took the Kingdom from Israel and delivered it to us. May we live to please our King.

Jesus is Lord and Savior, God and Master, Brother, Sacrifice, and Sovereign. In him we pray. Amen.

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