We trust in you

Lord of lords and God above all gods, your name deserves praise from every heart and tongue. You are worthy, O heavenly Father, to receive worship and fear and blessing from every person, for you created us and all that the universe contains.

Look down upon us in mercy. Have pity on our struggles. Pour upon us your grace. Make us powerful in our work of sharing the message of salvation. We are few in number, but make us strong in faith. Cause the Word to multiply in this city.

Strength the hearts of those who are weak here. Enliven the slow to act. Break out among us the inexpressible joy of your salvation.

Start all this with and in me. Let the brethren grow beyond what I am able to provide. Keep the gospel from being limited by my limitations.

May the Lord Jesus fill our vision. Let the Holy Spirit empower our service. May his revelation to us be constantly on our tongues. Help us to trust in your eternal purpose.

Father, we trust in you. We believe you hear and answer our prayers.

I have confidence in your promise. I will work till Jesus comes, even if I see no fruit from my labors, for in your time you will produce the good results of the Word. Let many be saved. Save me according to your mercy.

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