This age is passing away

Our blessed Father in heaven, forgive our sins. Keep us from sinning. Help us overcome temptation. We rejoice in the remission of all our transgressions. Help us to live worthily of the gospel. We want to be righteous people. The gift of Christ’s sacrifice is precious to us. Praise to you for your grace.

Let our souls rest in you. Keep the worries of the world at bay. Remind us that you are our guarantee and protection of security in this world. Show us the ephemeral nature of this age. It is passing away. All that it contains will be destroyed. So we want to trust in you and find our peace in your Son.

We pray for our governing authorities. May they rule fairly. Let us live in peace and quietness. May our society be more just. We are grateful for the justice of the final day and for the mercy you extend to us. In the present, we ask that we may live in security and confidence, thanks to the proper actions of government.

Build up your church. Let us place upon it its proper value. Let us see in it the expression of your rule. Help us to dedicate ourselves to your people. Make the body of Christ a priority for us. Show us ways to do good, especially to those of the family of faith. Thank you for giving us a loving community of saints, among whom we may grow, learn to serve, and develop our hope.

Give us a word of encouragement to speak to the tired and weary. Show us how to admonish and correct with love and tenderness. Teach us to love sincerely and earnestly. Restore in us your image, in Christ, that we might, with patience and strength, be people who care and share. Above all, help us to share the message of salvation.

May you be glorified among us and in the world, as we live by the power of your Spirit and walk in the ways of your commandment.


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