Almighty God, we praise you for your creation and all you richly provide. Enable us to live in such a way that your majesty and mercy are seen by all.
All governments rule under your authority. May they work for the good of their citizens, seeking your justice and peace in every law and action, allowing people to exercise social and religious freedom, and inhibiting the actions of those who would cause harm.
Enable those who are engaged in industry and commerce, the media and education, sport and the arts, to fulfill their responsibilities with integrity and an attitude of service.
Comfort and strengthen those who are gripped by poverty, weakened by illness, or oppressed by cruelty. May they know your love and experience your care.
Empower your church here on earth to proclaim the gospel of your truth and love, by the death and resurrection of your Son. May all people hear the call to trust and obey you for salvation.
Instill in your people your compassion toward all those in need. May the poor and the lost of this world find in you their true wealth and sure identity.
Refresh and equip us, O God, to be your faithful and obedient people, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Adapted from “Prayers of Intercession“