Lessons behind Ezra’s decision

Ezra 7.10

  1. You cannot teach what you do not know and live. It must start with me. God can powerfully use one who is decided and committed. He looks for dedicated people for critical times. (All times are critical!)
  2. Lasting change comes from the word of God. The power to transform is in the Sacred Letters. After the exile, they turned to the written word. After Jesus, we turn to the New Testament.
  3. The Lord blesses those who commit themselves to his word, v. 9. (NLT on v. 10: “This was because …”) God makes it all happen. He opens the doors.
  4. Ezra’s studies and activities “reveal his commitment to purity of worship” (P.R. House, OTT) and to purity of the nation as God’s people (chap. 9). May our agenda include such purity!


2 Replies to “Lessons behind Ezra’s decision”

  1. May God flow through and about our lives, bringing His will to pass through our humble efforts! I sense this skeleton making it to my preaching calendar 🙂

    1. Amen, brother. I used this verse last night, but focused on the three aspects of Ezra’s decision. But feeling there was so much more behind and around that decision, decided to go further with it. Had a hard time not fleshing out the four points. Make it a good one!

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