All tasks and responsibilities under your rule

God of heaven and earth, you’ve given us a new day. Your mercies are renewed again and come to us afresh. We rejoice in your presence with us. Keep us aware that each step is taken under your eye.

Let us reject the empty promise of sin, racing always to your fullness of life and peace.

Make us effective in our efforts for the kingdom, with the power of the Spirit within us.

Secure us in our confidence of your word, hold us close to the constancy of your purpose.

Man cannot be trusted, but you, O Lord, never fail in your plan of justice and grace.

Life is full of tasks and responsibilities. Help me to place them all under your rule. May I make each action today one of eternal purpose and spiritual meaning.

With you all things are possible, heavenly Father. Make that truth stay with me throughout this day and for all my life.

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