She Gave Him Milk

Because Barak was reluctant to obey God’s commands though God had promised to be with him, Deborah told him that the glory that Barak could have gained from defeating Sisera would go to a woman.  While shrinking back, Barak still tried to regain that glory on his own … but you can’t thwart God.

I. Judges 4:8-23.  Deborah is remembered as the leader of God’s people in the battle with Sisera, the commander of the Canaanite army.  While Sisera marched against Israel with 900 chariots, it is Deborah who tells Barak to fight in the battle that the Lord would win for him.  Jesus dying on the cross was part of God’s plan (Acts 2:23), and Gamaliel rightly warned the Sanhedrin that they could find themselves opposing God (Acts 5:39).  You can’t thwart God.

II. Judges 5:7-31.  Though Jael’s husband was a Levite, he was friendly with the Canaanites that had oppressed Israel for twenty years, so Sisera believed he had found rest and safety in his flight after the battle.  Using her wiles to conquer her enemy, Jael gave him milk when he asked for water and curds in a nobleman’s bowl while she waited for him to sleep.  Barak arrived to late to gain the glory as Jael had already “staked” out her victory.

III. Acts 4:23-31.  The account closes with the idea that God’s enemies perish but His friends rise in His might.  It’s not just important to be on God’s side but to be courageously and wholeheartedly serving Him.  Though Peter and John had suffered at the hands of the Sanhedrin, they prayed for boldness and spoke about how futile it was to try to fight against God.  His will will always be done.  If you are cowardly like Barak, you won’t gain glory.

God always finds a way for His will to be done.  You’re either with Him or against Him by your courage or cowardice.


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