To be with him

Lord God of your special people, your Son chose followers to be with him, and when he arose, it was to those who had been with him that Mary Magdalene told about seeing him. (1) From this truth we see that you want us to be with our Lord Jesus Christ and through him to be with you.

And so it is, Father, that we want to be with Christ, at your side. So it is that we count on him being with us, as we travel to the ends of the earth making other disciples.

We want to be with him now, as we imitate his example, consume and share his words, eat his body and drink his blood.

We want to be with him forever, meeting him in the air when he comes to bring salvation to those of us who are waiting for him. “And so we will be with the Lord forever.” (2)

Just as we have been united with him in baptism, so we look forward to being united with him in the final resurrection. Come, Lord Jesus!

(1) Mk 3.14; 16.10.
(2) Hb 9.28; 1Th 4.17.

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