From Deep Within

From deep within we open our lives,
O God, that you might enter and dwell;
As Lord who calms the winds and waves,
May you our fears and worries quell.

Command & Teach These Things

Timothy was a young evangelist, and yet Paul told him to “command and teach” the things that he had been writing to him about (1 Timothy 4:11-14).  The bigger issue was how could Timothy (or us for that matter) be the kind of Christian that when he would command and teach that others would want to listen and learn?

I. 1 Corinthians 11:1.  The first thing to remember is that we are not asking others to follow the best version of ourselves that we can put forth.  No, we want others to follow us as we follow Christ.  So, Jesus is the example to others that we must follow ourselves, so that others in our sphere of influence can listen and learn from us.

II. Acts 2:42.  To ensure that our example of Christ is one to follow, we must be devoted to God’s Word.  We have the example of the early Christians who, among other things, devoted themselves to the public reading, exhortation, and teaching of Scripture.  When others we hope to command and teach see our devotion, then they will want to listen and learn from us.

III. 1 Corinthians 12:14-31.  The illustration of the church as a body with all of its parts working together and arranged just where God has placed them is a powerful one.  When others see us encouraging and ministering in whatever way God has blessed us to work for the whole of the body and not just ourselves, then they will want to listen and learn from us.

Whether young or old, rich or poor, educated or unschooled, God has a place for you and work that He has prepared in advance for you to do (Ephesians 2:10).  When we are about it, only then are we in a position to “command and teach these things.”

For quiet of heart

Father, thank you for quiet of heart, for resolve of mind, for strength of will, by your Holy Spirit.

Thank you for opportunity to share your word, to serve my neighbor, to edify your spiritual family.

Thank you for your constant stream of blessings, your expansive hope of life, your presence that expels the evil that would win against us.

Thank you that Jesus has paid our price, that the Spirit goes to bat for us, that you have steadfastly pursued our salvation at every step of history.

New Covenant in My Blood

Apparently in the religious world at large, some suggest that Jesus’ plans to establish His Kingdom were thwarted by wicked men who put Him on the cross, and so He had to establish His church instead.  Ridiculous on so many levels, this false idea is easily refuted through a look at the new covenant that Jesus said He was establishing through His blood.

I. Acts 2:22-24.  How would you ever surprise an omniscient and omnipresent God with a surprise party?  Yet, at the base of this false teaching is the idea that man somehow tricked God, that the One who breathed everything into existence was derailed by wicked men who were too clever for Him.  The cross was done through God’s purpose and foreknowledge as evidenced by how often Jesus spoke of His impending death.

II. Luke 24:25-27.  What a Bible study the two disciples must have had when the resurrected Christ revealed ALL the Old Testament scriptures that spoke about His suffering, death, and resurrection!  Among them must have been the fulfillment of the Passover (Exodus 12:5-11) and the eyewitness-like descriptions of Him on the cross in Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 recorded centuries before He came in the flesh.

III. Jeremiah 31:31-34.  Perhaps the most convincing was the prophet’s description of the new covenant that God would make with His people, its hallmark forgiveness of sins and knowing God.  Jesus announces that that is what is being established at the Last Supper (Luke 22:19-22) with plenty of time to avoid the cross if that truly indeed was what God was trying to do.  Indeed, the new covenant, as with the old one, was established through blood (Hebrews 9:16-28).

Many passages use Kingdom and church interchangeably, but the establishment of the new covenant through the blood of the perfect Lamb truly shows that the church is His Kingdom on earth.  Have you entered the new covenant with God through Jesus’ blood being shed for you?

Stand Before the Son of Man

When coming to Luke 21, we can’t switch from preaching the gospel to reading the tabloids!  In the manual for life, Jesus, zeroing in on verses 34-36, gives us advice about how to live in this life so we can live in the next.

I. Matthew 14:27-30.  After Peter is invited to step out of the boat, he loses his focus on Jesus and begins to sink.  So do we when our hearts are weighed down by the struggles of this life.  We are to fix our eyes on the eternal (2 Corinthians 4:16-18), particularly on Jesus so we don’t grow weary and lose heart (Hebrews 12:1-3).

II. Mark 14:32-38.  At Gethsemane, Jesus asks his followers to watch while He prayed.  Why?  For Him or for them?  The question is answered when He returns and tells them to watch and pray to not be tempted.  Prayer is the church’s weapon of choice (Acts 12:4-5).  We do not wage spiritual war as the world does, and so must use heavenly weapons (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).

III. Ephesians 6:10-13.  At the end of all things, we must be able to stand before the Son of Man.  That’s what the decisions we make in this life are all about.  How good it will be to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21), if we have stood our ground using the full armor of God to aid us.  If we persevere, God will hand us a crown of life as we stand before Him (James 1:12).

So, is your heart weighed down by the temporary struggles of this life?  Where are your eyes fixed?  Are you watching and praying?  Are you wearing the full armor of God daily?

The dreariness of the rain

Our Father in Heaven,

Show us in the dreariness of the rain
how life is given to the earth.
And show us in the bleakness of this world
how joy is rooted in our hope of Christ.

Remind us in the storms and quakes of this earth
that the ground is not so solid beneath us.
Remind us in the tragedies and hurts we experience
that this world holds nothing for us.

Tell us in the prevalence of fake news
that we can trust little of what we hear.
Tell us in the multiplication of false doctrines
that man cannot know your mind and will.

Reveal to us in our frustrated attempts to forgive ourselves
how peace is beyond our reach.
Reveal to us in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ
that reconciliation is as close as his cleansing blood.

Bible.10: May Be Thoroughly Equipped

With so many translations of the Bible to choose from, how can a Christian know that what he is reading will make him or her thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17)?

I. Acts 12:4.  Recognize that the problem with every translation is that it’s a translation.  Therefore, the perfect translation does not exist.  Unless you can read ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, you are reading a translation of copies of the originals that no longer exist.  An example is “Easter” in this verse of the often touted KJV of 1611 (language revised in 1769) but is rendered closer to the Greek Pascha as “Passover” in the NIV.  The NIV was translated in an era with more access to research but may have other struggles.

II. Genesis 6:13-17.  Three schools of translation put every Bible on a sliding scale.  Translations in the word-for-word school like the KJV, in addition to often challenging readability, will give us measurements like cubits while one from the idea-for-idea or dynamic equivalent school in the middle, like the NIV, will give them to us in terms we can better understand, like feet.  A thought-for-thought or paraphrase translation like The Message will be very readable but will melt Scripture down and present it in the translator’s own words.  That can be very interesting when looking at figurative language in the ESV, a very popular word-for-word translation known for its readability, in verses such as Amos 4:6.  Compare how the NIV and The Message translate this.

III.  2 Timothy 3:16-17.  The struggle today versus 1611 is too much access to information.  How does a Christian cut through the confusion to become thoroughly equipped?  Reputable study helps help, but so do some common sense considerations for choosing a translation.  The preface of any Bible will tell you how it was translated.  Those done by committee are preferred over an individual to help eliminate bias.  Those done by various groups are preferred over one group for the same reason.  How did the translators deal with various languages, thought patterns, syntax, figures of speech, etc.?  What was their use of early and ancient copies that are so available today?  And finally, how did they deal with thorny translation issues?

God preserved His Word throughout the centuries.  We have it available to us today.  Our job is to become thoroughly equipped by the most accurate portrayal as is possible.

The blessing of obedience

Heavenly Father of all the saved,

Let us respond to your goodness in gratitude and service.

Shore up your church as we depend upon one another and ultimately upon your power.

Help us to see the white field ready for harvest that Jesus seeks to show us.

Thank you for the gifts from the Holy Spirit for your church. May we use them for your glory.

We seek the blessing from obedience to your commands. Keep us from ignoring any of them.

Protect us from the evil one and deliver us from temptation. Let us not accept excuses for ourselves.

May tongues confess the Lord, and hands work with joy for your kingdom.

At the forefront of my desire

O God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, guide me today. Hear me because the Lord is my helper. I seek to fulfill his work. Your mission is at the forefront of my desire. Give me success in faithfulness. Bring forth fruit from my labors. Thank you for calling me to yourself and to your plan of salvation. Thank you for giving me gifts to use in your task of redeeming all people. Be glorified in me this day.

Now Emptied

O Spirit of God, revive me — live in me —
From sin and guilt and passion set me free.

Messiah, Savior, Master, lead me forth —
May every day I understand your worth.

Creator, Father, Sovereign, come abide —
Fill with love this heart now emptied of pride.