If You Are …

Who are you at the cross?  One who scoffs? Challenges God to prove who He is? Like a soldier just there out of obligation hoping to collect a paycheck?  A follower who deserted at the garden who has slunk back to the edges of the cross hoping not to be recognized?  One who weeps for the terrible way they treated Jesus?  Like the first criminal hanging beside him who doubts but turns to Him in desperation?  Or, are you like the second one who took accountability for his sins and turned to the One you know to be the Son of God to save you?

I.  Luke 23:32-39.  Jesus is the I Am whether we acknowledge Him or not.  In Psalm 22:12-18, those surrounding the cross are described as lions, dogs, and bulls.  If Jesus would have given in to earthly taunts, He would have saved only Himself, but He followed His Father’s heavenly plan and died to save us all.  Just because man couldn’t see the plan didn’t make Him any less God in the flesh.  Rather, His work on the cross gave those obedient to Him eternal life (Hebrews 5:7-9).

II.  Matthew 10:32-33.  There are so many ways we deny Jesus each and every day.  Notice Jesus forgave the people from the cross before they began.  Surrounding Him there were those who defied, those who were duty-bound, and those who doubted.  Sadly, Christians today often fall into these categories of those who wear His name while compromising with the world (2 Timothy 3:1-7).

III.  Luke 23:40-43.  There was one, however, the second criminal who hung beside Jesus who, even though under the sentence of death, acknowledged his sins and who Jesus was.  He was promised Paradise because of it.  This criminal rebuked the first that He did not fear God, which is our duty (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).    We should all live as if we know we’re dying and obey the gospel (Acts 2:36-40).

Save yourself from this crooked generation’ is the same appeal today.  Save yourself from those surrounding the cross.  Be instead like the dying believer who was hanged next to Jesus.

Easily offended

Father, let us not be ignorant of your good, nor of the evil devices of the devil.

Make us wise. We ask you for wisdom because you are generous. We need your guidance.

Forgive and restore. May we never bring shame upon the kingdom. Help our light to shine brightly.

Thank you for giving the precious gospel into our hands. May we faithfully perform our work. Make the message of Christ effective through our service.

Father, keep the weak from falling. Use us to hold up those who doubt. May those who easily feel offenses be driven to the horrible offenses that Christ endured on our behalf.

Let us be true and transparent

Our Father in Heaven,

  • In our prayers, words, and acts let us be true and transparent.
  • Make our hearts whole in devotion to your word and will.
  • Let our motives be set on entering eternal life in heaven.
  • Cause the facts, promises, commands, and truths of the gospel to be ever more precious to us.
  • May the Holy Spirit occupy our minds and souls completely.
  • Purify us more and more that we may be sanctified in Christ.
  • Strengthen our heavenly hope in the midst of life’s disappointments.
  • Develop our love for you, for our brothers and sisters in Christ, for the lost of mankind.

We ask this because Jesus is our Lord and Savior.

Begin and end well

Father, help me begin well this day and end well.

Let my mind lead every step with good and positive thoughts, and with plans to do your will.

Show me where the good is to be found. Make me understand exactly what the nature of good is.

May every person who lives, moves, and breathes be the focus of salvation today, as I seek to offer a message of hope.

Bless my family of faith, that each one may grow in certainty of your presence and in usefulness to the kingdom.

May each task that comes before me today be done with cheerfulness and dedication, knowing as I do that you turn a saint’s hand to impact eternity.

Father, help me be aware each moment of this day that you are working in my life.

Violence of man

Thank you, Lord, that our brethren in Strasbourg, France, were not among those killed or hurt. We grieve for those who lost their lives and others who are now fighting to live in the hospital.

Our hearts hurt for those two killed and the two wounded by a Palestinian gunman in Israel’s west bank.

Father, help governments to deal wisely and apprehend terrorists without curbing the liberty of their citizens.

We grieve as well for the five people killed by the depressed man who entered a cathedral in Campinas, Brazil, and then killed himself.

So much harm and hurt in this world! We know this to be the result of man’s sin and distance from yourself.

Save from the violence of man, O Lord, but save especially from the consequences of our own sin, redeem and restore us to your self.

The enemy goes for the heart

O God of every power, we are in the trenches, in the heat of battle, with shouts of war in our ears. No mountaintop retreats for us! No luxury cruise with calm waters and placid scenes! Around us fall weakened soldiers. And the blood of martyrs runs thick in the dark dungeons of persecution. The enemy goes for the heart. A thousand arrows would topple our faith. The lord of evil does not relent.

Save us, Lord Jesus, hear our cries for rescue! Traitors abound, cowards flee, lukewarm souls act as if no conflict rages. Shall we be hemmed in, our little band surrounded, our hope strangled, our gospel quashed by the noise of Satan’s hordes? Is the word of truth bound and gagged?

Release your Spirit, repulse the false friends working with devious means, call down the legions of angels to battle the love of this world. May the Lord of armies win by the breath of his mouth, by the fire of his eyes, by the sword of his word.

Save us, mighty God, for your eternal glory.

What we think we know

Father, what we think we know we’ve no idea and what we ought to know we show little interest. Bring us out of ignorance and into your light!

We fool ourselves into thinking we’re strong, and where true strength lies we consider weakness. Break us that we may be remade into the iron of Spirit.

The wealth of the world is our frenzied pursuit, while true and lasting riches lie untapped. Strip us of trust in possessions and money, that we might receive the treasures of Christ.

We’ve tried it all in our pursuit of happiness, except the everlasting joy that comes from life with you. Let all our earthly joys wilt like yesterday’s flowers, in order to catch a vision of heavenly blessing.

The world of experiences is where we think we’re really living, but eternal life holds no thrill for us. Make us die to this world, that we might live for you.

Be God in Me

Be glorified this day on earth —
O God, let kingdom light appear!
Let multitudes behold its worth,
May many a man and woman come near!

Be God in me and through me call
With news of hope and cleansing blood,
By words I speak of vinegar’s gall —
Let grace be my consuming food!

Bible.12: Rightly Handling the Word of Truth

I was in sixth grade when Atari came out with the first game system.  I never owned one until my kids got a Wii.  Even now if someone hands me a controller I spaz out-of-control because I have no idea what I’m doing.  Some are like that in their relationship with God.  Something goes wrong in life and they are like me playing Mario Karts.

It’s not enough to know the Word of Truth; you have to know how to use it!

I. 2 Timothy 2:14-15.  Several times in Scripture, God’s Word is described as a sword.  But, having a sword is not the same thing as knowing how to use it.  All the lessons on the Bible (see the sermonlines archive) leading up to this one gave great information about the uniqueness, inspiration, authority, and development of the Bible.  It is truth (John 17:17), yes, but it must be applied to be of any use (Psalm 119:11).

II. 2 Corinthians 3:12-16.  Knowledge is only the means to the relationship with God that we all strive to have.  A thorough and continual study of His Word, combined with an abiding prayer-life, will lift the veil on truly knowing the word of truth so that a person can truly know God.  As in any relationship, love is the key to intimacy.  God loves us.  It is our love in return that will draw us into intimacy with Him.

III. John 4:23-24.  Being a true worshiper should be our goal.  To be that, we must worship Him in spirit and in truth.  In other words, we must know God in a deep and abiding relationship with Him.  Therefore, we must be honest with the word of truth.  We must approach the study of His Word, not seeking justification for who we’d like God to be, but how He reveals Himself to us out the living and active pages of His Word.  Knowing the context and occasion of the passage helps as well.

Does your study of God found in the pages of His Word draw you into a deeper relationship with Him?  Do you know Him?

What Soon May Be

To live with Christ is glory to the fullest,
To die with him is honor; to serve, a blessing.
No greater cause than sharing news of pardon,
That others reach salvation found in Jesus.

Violence done to Christ is our means of peace,
What paradox: his blood our means of cleansing!
Sins removed in water by the Spirit!
In faith the obedient born anew, from heaven.

O God of wisdom, Lord of fullest powers,
Keep your servant’s tongue from small complaints,
Show me surrounding good and close potential —
What soon may be, the kingdom come, by faith.